Stecco Learning Environment
FM® School
3 years part time / hybrid extensive education program that include on-site practical and theoretical classes, dissection classes, apprenticeships, on-line classes to reach the Certified FM Specialist title.
Courses for HUMANS treatment
Multiple modules education format that includes level I, level II, master class level I-II, level III, level IV master class level III-IV and certification exam to reach the Certified FM Specialist title.
Courses for ANIMALS treatment
Level I and level II courses for learning how to treat large (houses) or small (cats and dogs) animal with Fascial Manipulation and anatomy knowledge.
On Demand Education
Pre-recorded lectures about anatomy,
physiology and biomechanics of fasciae
that are available to every health
care practitioner
Courses in ANATOMY
Anatomy courses that present with live
dissections the anatomy of the superficial,
deep and internal fasciae performed directed
by Carla and Antonio Stecco